Urban Centers: Santa Cruz

All about the city of Santa Cruz, in Guanacaste, the North Pacific region of Costa Rica.

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Santa Cruz is a town of 24,540 sits in the heart of the San Cruz canton in the province of Guanacaste on Costa Rica North Pacific coast. It’s unclear when Santa Cruz was first formally recognized as a city, but some put it in the 1848 range. Situated well inland, Santa Cruz is a central location for the many towns that dot the north west Guanacaste landscape. You can be at many of Costa Rica’s most visited destinations within a 1 hour drive in virtually any direction. Like the international airport in Liberia, Tamarind, the most popular beach town in Costa Rica, the amazing surfing beaches of Nosara and Carillo, and rain forest and adventure seeking activities of all kinds.

Santa Cruz Festival Masks.jpegProvince: Guanacaste
Amenities: 4 Stars
Infrastructure: 4 Stars
Nearest City: Santa Cruz (45 minute drive)
Nearest Airport: Liberia (2 hour drive)
Nearest Hospital: Liberia CIMA (2 hour drive)

Santa Cruz is a typical Costa Rican rural town where residents are mostly of farmers, fishermen, workers or cater to the hospitality industry at the many hotels and restaurants in the area.

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Known for its cultural heritage and many historical traditions, Santa Cruz host many annual celebrations and fiestas like the Fiesta de Semana Santa (Easter) and the traditional bullfights as well as many others. Unlike bullfights you may have seen, here, the bulls are treated with respect and dignity and never killed as, in Costa Rica, is it never ok to deliberately injure or kill a bull in a bullfight. Or any animal anywhere for that matter.



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Costa Rica Real Estate For Sale: Santa Cruz, Guanacaste